Al Haya Group of Companies consists of five separate domains and each domain offers its respective services. RH Capital offers business immigration programs, Al Haya Cleaning Services offers cleaning and sanitisation, Al Haya Travel and Tourism offer travelling services anywhere in the world, Al Haya Holidays offer exciting vacation packages, and Big Bull Social Media and Marketing offer technical services.

Al Haya Group of Companies is a one-click solution provider that has designed special programs for you. These programs have been curated by a team of experts who have focused specifically on what the clients require and to make sure that they receive answers to all their questions in the same place rather than different domains.

By clicking on any of the following websites provided, whether it’s travel-related or even just cleaning services, you will be taken directly to the respective domain. You can contact our team through those websites. Our team members are available 24/7 to make sure that your needs are catered to accordingly.

Al Haya team members are available 24/7, they will always be at your disposal since our team prioritises the client’s needs first and they make sure to fulfil their responsibilities readily. Our team will provide you services at all times and anywhere at all.

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